Fourth Grade Favorite Folk Song

Today is my second to last day in my Week of Thanks and Giving!

Just search "weekofthanks" for the goodies, which includes a Christmas post office freebie, my Christmas Tree patterns set for sol-mi for 30% off, my "Penguin Stick-to-Staff" set for la for $1, and now my fourth grade favorite folk song! 

I learned "Sandy's Mill" from Joan Litman, my Level III teacher, at Capital University. She is also an incredible presenter if you ever get a chance to see her!

Here is the notation so that it is easier to read!

Here are the game directions:
Students pass the ball to the beat as singing. If the teacher plays the hand drum, students have to switch the direction of the ball. Students also switch direction on the spoken "pom." You can get as tricky as you want with this to challenge your students!

First of all, the students love this because it's a really interesting melody. Second, the kids love how silly the song is. And lastly, it's great for high do and tika-ti...and if your students are older beginners, you could use it for steady beat.

Remember to enter my giveaway by visiting this blog post, and come back tomorrow for my favorite fifth grade folk song AND the giveaway winners! I'll be awarding a $50 gift card to TpT, a $25 credit to my store, and my Christmas singalong set!


  1. This does look like a lot of fun. For my classes, "Hot Cross Buns" is a favorite because it is the 1st song they learn on recorders. Unfortunately, because of the focus on recorders, we don't often get to new rhythms. Solfege also drops off because of the focus on letter names of lines and spaces. I have not found a way to successfully teach and use both simultaneously.

  2. I can relate Kathy, it is a challenge to keep everything up to the same level when recorder season hits. You can keep the solfege going by having them sing recorder pieces. So many beginning pieces are BAG and they can at least keep up their "mi re do". (And then low la when low E is added.) The recorder is such a wonderful first instrument partly because it plays in the child's singing range. During recorders, it's fun to make a game out of singing the pieces on rhythm syllables, solfege, lyrics, and letter names and switching mid-song. (Students switch with a visual cue or an aural cue. I call it remote control.) I love it when students see the relationship between solfege and letter names. They have been playing melodies on barred instruments but when we add recorder it really "clicks" for them.

    1. Thanks for your reply. So then you are kind of working with a fixed do when you start with recorders? I've always moved do around on the staff. I like the idea of switching with a "remote control". I've just always thought it was too confusing for 4th graders to switch back and forth. It's nice to know others have had success with it!

  3. I love doing Sarasponda with my fourth graders. We have a little dance that we do with it. We also sing the 'Chocolate Cookie' verse with a little game. I also love doing Ding Dong Diggy Diggy Dong with them!

  4. "Chicken on the Fencepost" is a favorite with my 4th graders. Great for barred sixteenth notes.
