Second grade favorite folk song

Today I am continuing my Week of Thanks and Giving!

Just search "weekofthanks" for the goodies, which includes a winter vocal exploration freebie, my first grade music lessons subscription for second semester for 30% off, my "Which animal" game for tika-tika for $1, and now my second grade favorite folk song! 

I learned "Sammy Sackett" from Bruce Swank when I did my Level II at Capital University. If you ever get a chance to see Bruce present, he is AMAZING!

Here is the notation so that it is easier to read!

Here are the game directions:
Two captains are chosen, and students spread out in the room. As the students sing, the captains walk around, and on the word “coat,” they grab the shirt of a child and pull them along. Next time the students sing the song, the second child grabs the shirt of a third child, etc. If one of the teams forgets to grab a child, lets go, or doesn’t grab on the word “coat,” then the other team wins.

There are a few reasons I love this singing game. First, it' a pretty song with a somewhat unusual melody. Second, it's great for half note. And lastly, the game is pretty unique and challenging. The kids love it, and it's one of my half note "go to" songs that I don't think I'll ever get tired of!

Also, I am participating in the TpTMusicSellers $2 Tuesday Flash Music Sale. TpT's search engine has been a bit glitchy (which I found out with my "weekofthanks" search term) so if you can't get the sale items from all the participating sellers to come up with a search for "TpTMusicSellers," visit Lindsay Jervis' blog to see all of the items. I am selling my newly posted sol-mi-la bingo for only $2.

I'm excited to go shopping too!

Remember to enter my giveaway by visiting this blog post, and come back tomorrow for my favorite third grade folk song!


  1. Sounds like an interesting game, but do you not have issues with people being too rough when they are "grabbing" another child's shirt? My favorite 2nd grade song is Who Has the Penny/Pin? when I'm teaching "Do"- easy and to the point, while highlighting a new note!

    1. Hi Molly! My rule for games is that if they are too rough they don't get to play, so they're pretty good about being gentle. :) I also model what I want before we play which seems to help. I don't know Who has the Penny...sounds fun! :)

  2. I love Sammy Sacket! I have kids grab each other by the hand and at the end we easily form a circle by joining the 2 lines. My favorite 2nd grade song has to be Rocky Mountain. I get so much mileage out of it! It's a great song for re and AB form. It's also fun to add easy instrument parts. AND I never tire of the song. I have used it with older kids too.Thanks for all the special deals this week, Aileen!

    1. You're welcome, and thank YOU! I love Rocky Mountain of those versatile songs that can be used for SO much!

  3. Another new song for me! This week has been very informative for me and my classes will benefit. One of my favorites is "Great Big House in New Orleans". The students get a kick out of imagining a house filled with pumpkin pie and the teachers love it when I tie in "multiple meanings" with the word "stories".

    1. I never thought to use the word "stories" in multiple ways! (Lightbulb just went off!) Thanks for the idea! :)

  4. I like to use Mother Mother I am Sick for do and team it up with 'The Lady with the Alligator Purse'.

  5. I've never heard of Sammy Sakkett! Thank you for new ideas. Today we did one of my favorites--Lil Liza Jane. It's great for call and response, as well as super fun to dance to.

  6. Sammy Sakkett is a fresh one for me as well. One of my 2nd gr. "must do" folk songs is "Down in the Valley"--singing the song with a ball bouncing game (I found in the Gameplan Gr. 2 series) that prepares half note to be played on the barred instruments. I tried a couple years using the PE basketballs but the space storage and timing when they aren't using the basketballs is tough. Instead I found Pinky Balls for $1 each at the Dollar Tree and bought a class size...easier to store and can use on my own teaching time table. Thank you for sharing!
