Reviewing my resolutions

A couple weeks ago, another music blogger (Jen from Noteworthy by Jen) asked me if I might do a linky party to review the resolutions many of us made at the end of 2014. You can read that post here.  Since we are over halfway through 2015, I thought this was a great idea, so I'm creating another linky party. Anyone who linked up in December can link up now, OR if you didn't link up but made resolutions you'd like to review, you're also welcome to join the party! Directions about how to link up are at the end of this post.

So here's how I've done so far in 2015!

Personal: To spend more time with my family
I'm very excited to say that I'm feeling pretty good about this one! I was asked to teach two Kodaly levels programs this summer, and ultimately turned them both down. Even though I LOVE to teach levels programs, I thought I should spend time with my family this summer. Especially with our move, and with working with my youngest to help improve her speech (you can read more about that here), I feel really, really good about this decision. Here is a picture of my daughters...aren't they lovely?

Professional: Catch up on email!
I'm also happy to report my progress on this. I have so often felt SWAMPED by email, but two things recently have helped. First, Yahoo mail has put headers that say "today's email," "yesterday's email," "earlier this week," etc. I can't tell you how much this small formatting change helps me! Once I've gotten through today's email, I can focus on yesterday's email, and so on. It helps me feel like my email is not never-ending! I have also dedicated every Thursday to catching up on email from the week, and this has been very helpful! I'm hoping that I can keep this routine up when school starts again!

Classroom: Plan by month and stay on track!
I did feel really good about by monthly planning this year, especially after making this set to help me stay on track! I'm hoping I can continue that trend this upcoming school year!

Blog/TpT: Listen to customers!
OK, I'll be honest, I haven't been as good at this one. I often hear wonderful suggestions from many of you, and I say "That sounds like a great idea!" and in my heart of hearts, I think I'm going to make that set you're asking for, and then life and other ideas get in the way. I'm hoping I can start writing down all of your requests so I can be better at fulfilling those requests! (...and if you've asked before, and didn't see the set created, feel free to submit a request again and I will WRITE IT DOWN!)

Just for me: Drink more water!
Again, I've just been "eh" on this resolution. However, my friend Amy Abbott from was so nice to buy me this awesome water bottle!

I love it, because I can put fruit in the middle (my favorite is lemon) and the water soaks up the fruit...makes water so much yummier! (Thanks, Amy!) I'm hoping I can keep using this more and drink more water!

How have you done on your resolutions this year? Feel free to comment below, or if you're a blogger, here are the directions to link up:
  • Save the picture below, insert text boxes, and type your resolutions from this year. Link the picture back to this blog post.
  • Blog about how you've adhered to your resolutions.
  • Submit your information by clicking on the button below. 

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