Products for Planning

Here in the states, we've just begun our second half of the year, but I was reminded recently about how our friends in Australia are starting school right about now since they just finished summer. Because of this, TeachersPayTeachers is throwing a big sale on January 20 and 21! Many stores, including mine, will be 20% off, and then you can get an additional 8% off with the code START16.

Since we are starting our second half of the year, and Australians are at the beginning of their year, I thought I'd write about resources that can help with planning--whether you are starting your year or trying to regroup after the first half of the year. I'll write about one of my products that has helped me, a product I've already bought that has helped me, and a product I will be buying during the sale that will help with planning. If you are a teacher blogger, feel free to link up; directions are at the end of the post. Here goes!

#1: Planning in a Snap

Recently, I created this set not only to help me out in my classroom, but to rejuvenate those teachers who were going back to school and needed some fresh, new ideas! So far, I've added January, and will be adding each month's materials at the end of the previous month. Each set includes a template for monthly planning, my plans for the month, as well as one activity/ game for each grade level. I've had a lot of fun making it, and it's really helped keep me on track! (I also have several other planning products you can view here.)

#2: Monthly Planning Template

I happened upon this gem of a product by Music is Elementary and love it! It's similar to the set above, in that it allows you to plan out your month, but I love the layout for planning out programs. I'm preparing my 3rd and 4th graders for their performances in February, and this set REALLY helped me figure out what I was teaching when to each class (especially since I had a couple classes were behind, AND each class has a special part that's different from everyone else!) When I go to write each lesson, I review these templates first and know exactly what I need to teach!

#3: World Instrument Unit

In the state of Ohio, we are supposed to cover world instruments in 5th grade, so I was really happy to find this set by Organized Chaos to help me plan my unit! She has a sampler for Japan from this set here, in case you're interested in checking it out. I am excited to buy it, as I think it will be a very helpful product for planning and teaching!

What are your favorite products for planning? Feel free to comment below!

If you are a teacher blogger and would like to link up, here are the directions:
  • Save the "Products for Planning" image above and put it into your post, with a link back to this post.
  • Blog about planning products: one of your products, a product you've already bought, and a product on your wishlist.
  • Submit your link by clicking the button below.
Happy shopping and planning!

1 comment

  1. Thanks for the shout-out! I hope you and your enjoy the World Instrument Listening Unit. Growing up in 3 different continents myself, I have a passion for giving my students meaningful ways to experience the true heart of a variety of cultures through authentic musical experiences. I have found these resources to be a helpful starting point to get students excited about and interested in non-Western music. I'd love to hear how it goes in your classroom! :)
